
Hello and welcome! This site is for people interested in exploring and learning about the innovation that is happening at the intersection of biomedical science, technology and healthcare, hopefully gaining a deeper understanding along the way (myself included).

I am a professor in biomedical engineering and pharmacology at both UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University and am excited by the creation and application of new technologies to improve healthcare. I am particularly interested in the use of computational approaches, including AI, to the understanding of complex systems, biology, and applications in medicine.

Just so that it is clear, opinions expressed on this site are personal and are not meant to represent those of my employer.

Hopefully, this site will start to be the main source for writing on various projects, but have a look at the following in the meantime:

Medium: https://medium.com/@shawn.gomez

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawngomez/

Mastadon: https://fediscience.org/@smgomez

BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/smgomez.bsky.social

Twitter: No more...

If you want to learn more about my group's research, check out my academic website at gomezlab.org. I am also leading additional translational work through FastTraCS as part of the NC TraCS Institute.

A longer, more "formal" bio:

Dr. Shawn Gomez is Professor and Associate Chair for Research in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University and a Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at UNC-Chapel Hill. He received his BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado at Boulder where he was a NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow working at BioServe Space Technologies, a NASA Center for the Commercial Development of Space. He subsequently received his EngScD in Biomedical Engineering from Columbia University in New York City. He did additional training in bioinformatics and computational biology as a postdoctoral fellow at the JP Sulzberger Columbia Genome Center and later as a Florence Gould Scholar and Pasteur Foundation Fellow at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. He joined the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University in 2005. Since 2017, he has been the Executive Director of FastTraCS, a component of the NC Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute, focused on accelerating innovation in therapeutics and MedTech translational research at UNC and the broader NC healthcare system.